Your guide to getting approved for the rental property of your dreams

Your guide to getting approved for the rental property of your dreams

On 10 February 2015 in Achievements, Adam Hayes, Darwin, Jody Hayes, Property Management, Tips

So you’ve started the search for a new home and you’re wondering “how can I achieve that competitive edge over other applicants?”

Below, we’ve outlined what property managers look for in three key areas when it comes to choosing a tenant.


Before you even begin your search, you should know your rental budget.

TIP: Have your bond and two weeks rent ready to go. At the end of the day, even if your application received an A+ but you don’t have your bond and rent together, this could delay the process, or worse, put you out of the running for the property you’ve had your hopes set on.


The inspection

What else can we say? First impressions count!

TIP: Our subconscious plays a huge part in the way we make decisions, so your personal presentation matters in this situation, simply because this is the first and last impression the property manager will receive before processing your application. If you are polite and friendly this will also resinate and may positively impact the information relayed to the owner.

TIP: Be on time (if not early). Chances are the property manager has come from one property inspection and will be going to another after yours, so if you’re on time, we promise it won’t go unnoticed.


Your application

Property managers can receive anywhere from two to 10 applications per property, sometimes even more when they’re in-demand, so it’s true when we say the devil lies in the detail, among other things.

TIP: Fill the rental application out in its entirety

You’d be surprised at how many people forget to put down a phone number here, or an address there. Processing your application will run a whole lot smoother if all of your details are 100 per cent filled out.

TIP: Have good references

Let’s just say, this can’t be your mum or your friend; of course they’re not going to say anything bad about you. For your application to be taken seriously, you’ll need to have your employer and previous landlord down as references. Be sure to let them know a) you have them as references, b) that they know they’ll be receiving a call and, c) that they should be readily available for us to contact them. It’s also always a good idea to provide an alternative contact number just in case.

TIP: Noting other sources of income

It’s simple: we don’t know unless you tell us! If you have other forms of income other than your wage or salary, let us know, as this could affect the entire outcome. If you receive child support or government assistance be sure proof of this to your application.


To see exactly what you need to include in your rental application, click here to download a copy.

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