Easter has just passed, the days are getting cooler and the nights longer, a sign the season is changing, and depending on where you live around Australia, you’ll react differently to this change.
For some this could mean a lapse in focus to achieve a goal, while for others it’s a time for reflection and recalibration before continuing on with their plans.
This change in season is an opportune time to take stock of what you’ve achieved since January and either revisit your plan, get it back on track, or even decide to start one.
It’s never too late, but the longer you give yourself to achieve a goal the more chance you’ll have of achieving it.
If you’ve kept on track to now then you should take time to reward yourself, but if you feel like giving up, then don't as there’s still time to achieve your goals, and here’s how -
Tip 1: Take a minute to revisit your plan
The first thing to do is either to start planning or revisit your existing plan. Times and seasons change, so it’s important to make sure your plan stays relevant.
If you’ve set yourself a plan to achieve a goal then it might be as simple as taking stock of where you are and adjusting the plan to suit.
According to Berkley University’s research on goal setting, your vision can - and most likely will - change as you move closer to it. As part of an annual planning process, whether it be career, education or wealth creation, you should review your goals and make any adjustments that you feel are necessary.
Tip 2: Seek advice from a trusted adviser
Whether you've set your goals or not, you should seek out a trusted adviser to make sure they’re realistic and achievable.
This way you can make sure you’re on the right track, or you may even find out about strategies that can help accelerate your journey.
Tip 3: Stay focused
Achieving your goals isn’t always a stress-free task and sometimes we lapse into a period of restlessness and look for ways to satisfy an urge.
While it’s important to stay focused on your goals, so too is rewarding yourself from time-to-time, do it responsibly and within your means.
Tip 4: Do the things you keep putting off
Most of us keep ‘to do’ lists, but why not keep a ‘can’t do’ list and focus on the things you keep putting off?
Write down everything you’ve been putting off doing since you made that New Year’s resolution and take immediate action.
It is a commonly known fact that people who spend more time on projects that energise them and with people who energise them tend to be happier.
So you’ll feel a whole lot better about yourself and it will even drive you to start to get on with things on the ‘to do’ list a lot quicker.
Tip 5: Use your time wisely
New Year’s has passed by, and now so has Easter, but don't be alarmed - not just yet anyway.
Staying the course means over time you will have ridden out the emotional and financial peaks and troughs, and not only achieve your short-term goals but be well on the way to reaching your longer-term ones.
Need to talk to us further about your goals in the property sphere? - Give us a call on (08) 8932 8858.
Our friendly staff are always on hand to help. Get in touch.