Are you new to the real estate industry? If you’re thinking about a career in real estate or you’re in the process of establishing your own agency, you need to read the following four tips.
While they are catered to the real estate industry, anyone with a business start-up will find them useful.
They will help you gain some momentum, generate leads fairly quickly and achieve the ULTIMATE goal.
Surround yourself
with mentors or coaches
Enlisting the help of a mentor or coach is one of the best ways to learn – particularly from their mistakes so that you don’t have to find out the hard way.
If you have the time or resources, it’s strongly recommended that you learn from someone who has walked the walk and talked the talk. There’s only so much that textbooks can teach you, so surround yourself with someone with well-rounded experience in the real estate industry and business start-ups.
This way, you’ll be gaining real life experience but with a mentor or coach right by your side to answer any questions you may have, dissolve any doubts that cloud your mind and motivate you to be the best real estate agent you can be.
Prospect, prospect,
In order to get listings as a new agency, you need to be prospecting. This is how you will spend most of your time in the beginning. This may mean:
Network your way
around town
It is crucial that you attend networking events – it’s one of the most efficient ways to expand your network and the quality of people you align yourself with; otherwise known as strategic alliances.
Make an effort to source as many opportunities as you can to go out and meet new people at events and functions. After you’ve established that relationship, go and have coffee with them in order to build a rapport.
The beauty of building a strong network is benefiting from the power of referrals.
If people don’t know who you are, why would they do business with you? You need to be seen as the expert in your area.
We’re going to be honest: building a strong network doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, patience and persistence but throughout it all, always remember why you started in the first place and what you want to achieve down the track.
Marketing 101
Your local area won’t know about you until you tell them – so get started with building a database from the people you have met at networking events or try something simple like a letterbox drop.
People want to see results; especially when it’s a new agency. If you do get a listing and make a sale, be sure to leverage that in your marketing material and show them what you’ve achieved and how you can help them achieve a similar result.
People are more likely to build a relationship with someone they trust, and who also has a proven track record backed up by previous achievements. Social proof is one of the most effective ways to connect with your core target market in order to secure new business.
Not only should you be marketing yourself, but also your brand. Be consistent in your marketing style, colours and overall presentation to ensure that you foster brand awareness.
Most importantly, be sure to add value throughout your marketing; give your local community, network or prospective clients useful tips and ideas that make them think “that was worth my time”.
The ultimate goal is to get people to think of YOU and ONLY you, the moment they want to put their property on the market.
But consistency is key when using the four tactics revealed above. There’s no point having only one coaching session, doing one door knock, attending one networking event or sending one newsletter.
If you consistently use these four tactics to your advantage, you will be top of mind which will lead to your ultimate goal!
Our friendly staff are always on hand to help. Get in touch.